Elissa Tracy
"My paintings evolve through an intuitive, emotional, creative process. I am inspired by; a glimpse in passing, music, thought provoking conversation, and life changes. I enjoy using explosive color combinations and exploring new techniques with acrylic paint on large scale canvas.
In 1996 my first photo was published, from a black and white photo taken on a street corner in New York City. I then continued my work abroad with fashion photography in Athens, Greece. I have been in numerous editorial and commercial publications both national and internationally. Being published is a perk for the ego, fabulous hollow victories, it is not what defines me as an artist."
-Elissa Tracy
"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." Henry David Thoreau
Anthony Mora Communications Inc.
Contact: Aubrie Wienholt
Email: aubriew@anthonymorapr.com
Phone: (310)-801-1659